海外からの賛同・連帯メッセージ Solidarity messages from around the world.
I fully support your actions against the use of nuclear energy in Japan and in the rest of the world. Such energy source is totally obsolete and unbearably dangerous for all humanity and for our beautiful planet. We need to concentrate all our efforts in the development and widespread utilization of natural resources such as solar or eolic energy and so forth.
I have many japanese friends and I have visited your wonderful country a couple of times: I truly love Japan and the japanese people and I'm deeply sorry and worried for what you have been through because of the earthquake/tsunami and, even more so, because of the terrible consequences of the damages to the nuclear plant of Fukushima. I was just a teenager when the Cernobyl accident happened and, at the time, I thought that such an immense tragedy would convince anyone to abandon once and forever the exploitation of nuclear power but, alas, human stupidity and lack of foreseeing seems limitless!
So, good luck with your protest and keep up the good fight!!
I really hope that the japanese government will listen to your reasons and change their policy concerning energy sources. Good luck!
Laura Ayo私は日本、また世界中の原子力エネルギー使用に反対するみなさんの行動を全面的に支持しま す。このようなエネルギー源は全くの時代遅れで、全ての人類と私たちの美しい地球にとって耐えがたいほど危険です。私た ちは開発に努力を集中させ、太陽光発電や風力発電などの自然エネルギーの利用の拡大をすることが必要です。
私は日本人の友人が多くおり、みなさんの素晴らしい国を幾度か訪ねたことがあります。私は本当に日本と日本のみなさんが 大好きで、今回の地震や津波、それからそれ以上とまでいえるようなひどい福島原発のありさまに対して非常に遺憾であり、 心配しています。チェルノブイリの事故が起こったとき私はまだ10代でしたが、こんな大きな悲劇を経験したら誰もが金輪 際原子力の使用をやめるだろうとおもっていました。でも、ああ、人間の愚かしさと先見のなさは際限のないようです。
【Laura Ayo】
In support of the 10 day sit in of Japanese women demanding accountability from the Japanese government after Fukushima disaster.
We fully support the ten day anti-nuclear sit in of Fukushima women and other Japanese women supporters in front of METI, to protest the fact that following Fukushima, the Japanese government has notf ully taken into account the health and life risks due to the radiation, has not taken adequate measures to protect the people of Fukushima living in contaminated areas, eating contaminated fish and vegetables - including children going to school in the area.
We also protest the continuing of selling fish to 'developing nations' like ours in Africa .We wholeheartedly endorse their action and we support their demands for more accountability of the Japanese government.
We join them in denouncing the dangers of nuclear plants.
Marieme Helie Lucas, Algeria
Lalia Ducos, Algeria
Samia Allalou, Algeria
Fatou Sow, Senegal
Codou Bop, SenegalEndorsed by Organisations:
【アルジェリア/Marieme・Helie・Lucas,Lalia・Ducos, Samia・Allalou,セネガル/Fatou・Sow,Codou・Bop(賛同団体:SIAWI
I have great admiration for what you and your women companions are doing for a nuclear-free environment. This is not only important for Japan but for the whole world! You have my support and prayers that your 3-day protest will change the situation for a better and safer way to be rid of nuclear plants and move towards cleaner and safer ways of using energy!
With very best regards,
Jane Harflett
【ドイツ/Jane Harflett】
Dear Women of Fukushima
North Cumbria Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament sends heartfelt support to you in your protest against nuclear power and the deadly effects it can have on life.
We ourselves are fighting to stop the construction of a storage for nuclear waste on our beautiful land which is not suitable for such a facility but a long way away from London!
Our thoughts are with you.
With love and wishes for peace
Irene Sanderson
Treasurer for North Cumbria Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
My name is Brian, from Vancouver, Canada. I just want to let you know that I am standing with you against nuclear power in Japan, and in all of the world.
I can't imagine what life must be like there now with radiation's effects on everyday life. But stay strong, and know that we support you, from all over the world!
Brian W.
New Westminster, BC
【ウェストミンスター、カナダ/ブライアン・W. 】
I also share with you the hope for a better world without nuclear energy. In my country, near my city, the brazilian government is building another nuclear plant. And we really don't need it, but it's difficult to understand politician's mind. Dear Kaori, I wish you strength and hope that the Japanese government do respect and help the people affected by the Fukushima accident.
With best regards,
Alvaro Motta
Please take strength from the people who support your sit-in. You are heroes!
Tracy Gonzales
turkey is always with you
ramazan erdoğan
【ramazan erdoğan】
Thank you so much for your commitment to and compassion for the welfare of your fellow human beings! What you're doing is so incredibly inspiring to people all over the world, including myself and my peers here at the college I attend, Michigan State University. I am a member of the Michigan State University Greenpeace chapter and would like to wish you the best of luck with the sit-in. It has already made a difference.
Cassie Zylinski
MSU Greenpeace仲間の人類の幸福にたいする献身と同情に感謝します!みなさんのしていることは、ミシガン州立大学の私や私の同級生を含む、全世界の人々を鼓舞しています。私はグリーンピースのミシガン州立大学支部のメンバーで、みなさんの座り込みの健闘を祈ります。みなさんはもう既に成果を出しています。
【Cassie Zylinski ミシガン州立大学 グリーンピース】
I am sending you my message of support, good luck.
Cal Thompson
【Cal Thompson】
pleas add one name to our message of solidarity:
Cherifa Kheddar, president of Djazairouna, Algeria.
Her response came shortly after i sent you our message of solidarity.I contacted a European feminist network: they say they will organize solidarity protests.
I also contacted anti nukes in India, they are passing on the information and are very likely to take action.
marieme私たちの連帯のメッセージに名前を1つ付け足してください。Cherifa Kheddar、アルジェリアDjazairouna会長です。彼女の返事は私がそのメッセージを送った直後に来ました。
Just a quick note to you and your colleagues, sisters, and allies, to let you know I am happy to support you in your anti-nuclear protest. I am very aware of the situation you face, through my colleagues in Greenpeace Japan. I am also someone who represented (as a lawyer in the UK many years ago) the women of Greenham Common who protested the placing of nuclear weapons on 'common land' i.e. 'people's land'. Those women were my heroes, and so are you. Please pass this message on.
Yours in solidarity,
Paloma Freire, SPAINみなさんとみなさんの仲間、姉妹たち、そして協力者のみなさんに短くではありますがお伝えしたいことがあります。私はみなさんの反核抗議運動に喜んで賛同します。私はグリーンピース・ジャパンの仲間を通じて、みなさんがどのような状況に面しているのかよくわかっています。私もまた‘共有地’、つまり‘人々の土地’に核兵器を置くことに反対したグリーンハム・コモンの女性の代表(昔、イギリスで弁護士として)となったひとりです。あの女性たちは私のヒーローでした。そしてみなさんもです。このメッセージを伝えてください。
Our hearts go out to you all women of Japan on the unfortunate incident - the Fukushima disaster. As you commence your 10 days sit in, Nigerian women bring you best wishes and solidarity. We wish you success as you press on for justice for the people of Japan in general and women in particular! Aluta Continua!!
Oby Nwankwo福島の災害という不幸な出来事を受けて、私たちの心は日本のすべての女性たちとともにあります。みなさんが10日間の座り込みを始めるので、ナイジェリアの女性たちはみなさんに幸運と連帯の意を送ります。日本の人々、特に女性の正義のためにがんばるのですから、成功を祈ります。闘いは続く!
good luck with your protest sit-in on October 27th We sat in in Cornwall in 1981 to protest against a proposed nuclear power station and eventually the local Council voted 65 votes against the proposal with 1 abstention BUT you have to be very dogged and keep up the pressure.
Thank you for doing this. Excuse my lack of Japanese.
Best wishes, Jill
Dr Jill Sutcliffe
Low Level Radiation and Health Conference
set up by members of the public
1985 to present day27日から始まる座り込みの成功を祈ります。私たちは1981年にコーンウォールで、建設計画中の原発に反対し、結果として、地方議会は1票の危険に対し65票の反対票が出されました。
Thanks for fighting! You are in my mind. Good Luck!
I support you, and anyone, who protests against nuclear power, especially new nuclear builds. My heart goes out to everyone affected by the nuclear accident, and pray every day that this filthy industry comes to an end soon.
I shall be thinking of you and be with you in spirit,
Judith Kelman私はみなさん、そして原子力エネルギー特に原発建設に抗議するみなさんを支援します。私の心は放射線事故に遭われた全てのみなさんと共にあります。そしてこの汚れた産業が早く終わりを迎えるよう、毎日祈ります。
Dear sisters in Japan ,
I just want to tell you thank you for standing up/sitting in against nuclear power and its dangers.
Millions of us stand with you in spirit.Naima Shea
California, USA
I support you with all of my care. It is heart-breaking and devastating what you are going through. It is what we will eventually have too. You have nothing to lose at this point, but to protest. I am so sad for what you are having to endure. Right now, I am most involved in Occupy Wall Street because I think "the people" are the ones who have the capacity to turn the insanity of our world around, including the use of nuclear power. Be brave, there is no other option.
Best, Heather MacKenzie皆さんの座り込みを心から支援します。福島事故から日本の皆さんが経験してきたことを思うと、心が痛みます。
Hello. How are you? I know you get upset.I'm in Turkey. 16 year old daughter.I'm not a mother.Nuclear never stopped my child to an environment.I had no fear of death.
I did not fight at all for the sake of life.But now, human life, energy and money are buying.Which nation, which race, no matter which language we all have the same purpose .. a safe zone..We work with you in this struggle behind. live experiences. I do not know your fears. I do not know your concerns.
But for the sake of the life that you join you for the sake of war.Know that you are not alone in this struggle.I hope you understand me, my English is not good.
We are proverbial. And that says,''the war, the price of sweat pour pressed the soil give each''
best regards...
Be strong! İm in ur side too.. Nuclear ll kill our world, if we dont say No! Love from Turkey..
Erinç Yavaþ強くあれ!私もみなさんの味方です・・・もし私たちが‘No!’といわなかったら核は私たちの世界を破滅させるだろう。トルコから愛をこめて・・・【Erinç Yavaþ 】